5th fundamental principle of Prout The method of utilization should vary in accordance with the changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of a progressive nature. Purport: The proper use of any object changes in accordance with the changes in time, place and person. Those who cannot understand this simple reality want to cling to the skeleton of the past and are consequently rejected by contemporary, living society. Sentiments based on narrow national outlook, regional outlook, ancestral pride or caste pride, etc, tend to keep people away from fundamental principles and rudimental facts. Those influenced by such sentiments cannot openly accept the simple truth. Consequently they are compelled to slink away to the back stage after having done indescribable damage to their country and fellow citizens. The method of utilization of every object inevitably occurs according to changes in time, place and person. After recognizing this fact people will have to progressively utilize every object and every idea. For example, scientific research must be applied so that a person, instead of wielding one huge hammer today, will be able to wield many hammers simultaneously, using the same strength. In other words, scientific research, guided by progressive ideas, should extract greater and greater service from the same human potential. It is not a sign of progress to use outdated scientific technology in an age of developed science. Human beings will have to bravely face whatever large and small obstacles that may arise due to the use of various resources and materials created by progressive ideas and developed technology. Human beings have to march forward to victory on the path of all-round fulfilment in life. Ananda Sutram 1962 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti / P R Sarkar --- Take another particular example. Suppose a physically strong person serves the society as a rickshaw puller or a market porter. As the rickshaw may become out dated some day, the method of utilizing their physical strength should vary. If a person is intellectually developed but has the same physical strength as others, their intellectual potentiality should be utilized. Thus the process of utilization will not be the same for all people. Better methods of utilization should be continually developed, but the process of utilization should be progressive in nature. What is meant by "the utilization should be of progressive nature"? The ever new and fresh is the optimal aim. What is normal today is not so tomorrow and vice versa; what is viewed as abnormal today may be the norm of tomorrow. Guided by progressive ideas human beings should not be guided by superstition, disbelief or dogma, but should continue to look for ever new and fresh ways of utilizing all sorts of potential for the good and happiness of all. -- The specialty of the 5th fundamental principle of Prout The fifth fundamental principle of Prout is as follows: "The method of utilization should vary in accordance with the changes of time, place and person, and the utilization should be progressive in nature." This principle has its peculiar specialty. Let us examine where this specialty lies. Everything in this universe is subject to change and the relative factors of time, space and person are also subject to change. Everything comes within the periphery of time and space, including human beings and society, so proper adjustment must be maintained between time, space and person. If this adjustment is not maintained, human beings will not be able to maintain their existence. Change is the law of order, the law of nature. If any theory does not adjust with this law, then it is sure to die. Many theories, many ideologies and many so-called religions of the past have died because they could not adjust to changing circumstances. Time and space are changing and Prout will also have to adjust with that change. The principles of Prout will not change; rather the application of Prout will adjust with the changing circumstances. Human beings will have to move forward by recognizing and adjusting with changes in time and space. Adjustment and flexibility are essentials for human progress. It is a sign of flexibility in society that people do not follow the same old habits. If society continues to follow the same patterns, it becomes static and dies. In one scripture it is written that to lend money on interest is a sin. If people follow this religious principle strictly, there cannot be any banking system and the whole society will suffer. To run the government properly either the leaders of society will have to either violate this principle or knowingly undermine society by following their religious dogma. If they take the latter path we can say they have been goaded by dogma, but if they follow their dogma strictly they will be rejected by the modern age. This type of dilemma is confronting almost all the so-called religions in the world today. So, everything must adjust with time, space and person. If people do not maintain any adjustment with time, space and person, then their community will inevitably become out-dated. About 150 years ago Karl Marx observed that there was social disparity and exploitation in society. He believed that social injustice was caused by differences in income, so he thought or his thoughts when implemented were that if there was no individual income and people lived in the commune system, and the government provided food and clothing to the people, then there would be no injustice. But has the commune system solved the problems of communist countries? Intelligent people working in the commune system earn the same as ordinary people, and consequently there is no incentive for them to work hard. People naturally question the value of their labour if everybody is paid the same. The applied theory of the commune system has reached a deadlock. In such conditions no one will utilize his or her maximum capacity and the capabilities of a genius will not get any scope for expression. If a wise and intelligent person has the same influence as an unintelligent person, the whole community or society will collapse. This is what happened in communist countries. The commune system of production has proved to be impractical because it does not encourage individual initiative or provide incentives to talented people. This is the main reason for the failure of the commune system. The USSR had to purchase wheat from Canada, U.S.A. and Australia, which are capitalist countries, although it has sufficient land for cultivation, because it was not able to properly harness the productive potential of its people. Today the applied theory of the commune system has reached a deadlock. The theory has entered a stage of hysteric convulsion. Communists lost all logic and reason - they are now simply hysterical and are simply shouting, hoping people will follow them out of fear. There must be flexibility of intellect in order to follow the path of logic. If this fundamental flexibility is lacking then shouting will dominate logic. In every field today-including science, religion, social life, etc, flexibility has been lost. In science, Dalton's atomic theory is already out of date. In some fields new theories have taken over, and in other fields change is now taking place. While change is a natural phenomenon, attraction is also a law of nature. There is attraction between each and every object and between each and every person. This is natural. If a person who is lost in the jungle at night suddenly sees torchlight, that person will approach the other person holding the light without considering whether the other person is a thief or a murderer. Similarly, the man holding the torchlight will not question the character of the lost person. Rather he will feel it is his duty to guide him to safety. This illustrates the mutual attraction amongst human beings. Other examples can also be given. Some people think that animals do not love their offspring as much as human beings. But this is not correct. Animals love their offspring according to their capacity. Even in human beings it is found that love differs according to time, space, and person. A mother loves her son very much, but the intensity of this love diminishes when the son gets married and the mother sees that her daughter-in-law has taken over some of her son's affection. To compensate, the mother may give more love to her other children who are not married. The psychology behind this is that where selfishness increases, attraction amongst human beings decreases. We must increase the jurisdiction of this attraction, this love. This love should include all plants, birds, animals, etc, because everything has life, everything has feeling. We should think that others feel as I feel, and this feeling should include plants, animals and inanimate objects. This is neo-humanism and neo-humanism is essential for the all-round development of the human mind. So for the continued welfare of human beings and all of creation, we must adopt such a theory, which has flexibility and elasticity. When the elastic band in a piece of clothing is no longer flexible, the clothing is discarded. In the same way, if any theory loses its flexibility, it will not be able to adjust with time, space and person and it will also be discarded. Policies will differ according to changes in time, space and person, but principles will remain the same because they are all pervading and because their cognitive faculty is omniscient if based on cardinal values. Cardinal values are those on the lining between psychic/mental capability at its highest and the spiritual intuitive flow of the deepest recesses of the mind. In this present age of transition, you are seeing many theories change and being discarded before your very eyes. If any group of people clings to the skeletons of the past, they will also be rejected. Intelligent people will not cling to old, out-dated ideas. Rather they will wholeheartedly embrace that theory which adjusts with time, space and person and the principles of which will continue to exist unceasingly. P R Sarkar 16th March, l988, Calcutta -- The 5 fundamental principles of Prout In 1959, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar had formulated the five fundamental principles of Prout, which were subsequently published in the end chapter of the book Idea and Ideology. These five core principles were incorporated as aphorisms 12 to 16 of the fifth chapter of Ananda Sutram (1962), a central work by P.R. Sarkar, along with the 11 social and socio-economic principles of Prout. 1 Ceiling on accumulation of physical wealth 2 Maximum utilization and rational distribution of all potentialities of the world 3 Maximum utilization of all individual and collective potentialities 4 Proper adjustment between all utilizations 5 Method of utilization to vary with changes in time, place and person and be of progressive nature