Meditation: In the struggle for peace and justice in the world, we should not neglect our own internal peace. Human beings possess an inherent thirst for peace and happiness. This is limitless. External objects cannot satisfy this inner longing, because the pleasure they offer is only temporary; instead we have to journey within ourselves to find true peace and happiness. Meditation is a profound practice dating back thousands of years. It was developed by mystics as an aid to those who want to find peace within. It is a form of deep reflection on who we really are, a procedure for revealing hidden aspects of our identity and expanding our consciousness. Meditation offers many personal benefits: overcoming insomnia, depression, loneliness and other complexes; increasing memory, concentration, willpower; self-control, self-esteem and tolerance; developing mental peace, wisdom, compassion and unconditional love. The process is simple: by closing your eyes, sitting up straight and still, breathing deeply and concentrating the mind according to special techniques, you can gradually achieve deep peace and fulfilment. The Baba Nam Kevalam mantra can be used. This mantra in the Sanskrit language means: “Everything is an expression of the Supreme”, or simply, “Love is all there is.” So, sit in a cross-legged position with back straight, eyes closed, and fingers interlocked. Then imagine that you are surrounded by Cosmic Consciousness - visualized as glittering light. And call out to that Supreme Entity by repeating mentally the mantra "Baba Nam Kevalam", which fundamentally means "only God's name". This is a universal mantra in Sanskrit - “Everything is an expression of the Supreme.” Repeat your mantra. Practice every day - best to do twice a day.